The Common Questions People Ask About Therapy

Depressed man patient talking on appointment with experienced psychologist psychology male therapist specialist doctor psychiatry mental help support session clinic consultation depression disorder

Ginny Estupinian, Ph.D., is a private practice company that provides comprehensive mental health care services. My office offers a range of therapy and counseling options to cater to your individual needs. As a board-certified clinical psychologist, I am dedicated to providing the highest quality care.


If you want to refer someone to the Ginny Estupinian offices for mental health support, I welcome your recommendation. Just know that I maintain strict confidentiality and will not share or even discuss who I am working with, regardless of any prior relationship. My priority is to help individuals on their mental wellness journey and provide them with the support they need to thrive.


My office information is readily available if you need assistance or have any questions. We are here to help and provide support. Additionally, you may find answers to frequently asked questions on our website’s FAQ section.


In case of an emergency or crisis, please immediately call 911 or visit the nearest emergency room for immediate assistance. You can also find additional crisis resources on our website to help you or someone you know in difficult situations.


We have established a website privacy policy to ensure your privacy is protected. You can review our privacy practices and understand how we handle and protect your personal information. Our practice policies and terms of use are also accessible to provide clarity on our operating procedures.


Ginny Estupinian, Ph.D., is committed to maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of clients. My notice of privacy practices explains how we handle your health information and safeguard your privacy.


Dr. Ginny Estupinian has developed a comprehensive approach to tracking and measuring progress in therapy. These tools are designed to support your mental health journey and enable you to understand how therapy positively impacts your well-being.


Regular mental health check-ins are an essential part of her monitoring process. These check-ins allow you to assess your progress, identify any areas of improvement, and track your overall growth throughout your therapy sessions.


Dr. Ginny can effectively monitor your progress and make adjustments to ensure your therapy journey is as beneficial as possible. Her goal is to provide you with the highest quality care, helping you to achieve lasting positive change in your life.


Areas that I serve

I serve clients from all over the Bay Area, with the majority coming from Los Gatos, Saratoga, San Jose, Los Altos, and Palo Alto.



In which states does Ginny Estupinian, Ph.D., currently provide therapy?

I am fully licensed in California and Oregon, with only telehealth privileges in Florida.



What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and how does it work?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an approach to mental health care that focuses on understanding the connection between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to improve overall well-being. It is a transformative form of therapy that aims to identify and change maladaptive thinking and behavioral patterns to alleviate symptoms of conditions such as depression, anxiety, and trauma.


CBT is an active and problem-focused therapy that actively engages individuals in challenging their cognitive distortions and unhelpful patterns of thinking and behavior.


By examining and questioning these negative thought patterns, individuals can better understand how their thoughts influence their emotions and actions. This awareness allows them to reshape their thinking and develop healthier coping strategies.


The therapeutic process in CBT involves collaboration between the therapist and the client. The therapist helps the client identify and recognize their negative thinking patterns and encourages them to challenge and replace these thoughts with more balanced and realistic ones. Specific strategies and techniques are then implemented to address these distorted beliefs and behaviors.


One of the primary tools used in CBT is cognitive restructuring, where individuals learn to identify and modify irrational or negative thoughts. By challenging these thoughts with evidence-based reasoning and alternative perspectives, individuals can begin to reduce their emotional distress and improve their overall mental well-being.


CBT also utilizes behavioral techniques to help individuals change unhelpful behaviors that contribute to their difficulties. Through systematic desensitization and exposure therapies, individuals gradually confront their fears and anxieties in a controlled and safe environment. This approach helps reduce avoidance behaviors and develop effective coping mechanisms.


CBT emphasizes practicing newly learned skills and strategies outside therapy sessions. This active engagement encourages individuals to apply their newfound understanding and coping strategies to real-life situations, fostering long-lasting change and improved mental health.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a transformative therapeutic approach that helps individuals examine their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It empowers them to challenge negative thinking patterns and adopt healthier coping strategies. By addressing the here-and-now connection between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, CBT equips individuals with the tools necessary to navigate mental health challenges and achieve a healthier state of mind.


What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and how does it help mental well-being?

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a counseling modality that facilitates improved mental well-being for individuals seeking therapy in San Francisco. This therapeutic approach integrates acceptance, mindfulness, and behavior change strategies to enhance psychological flexibility. Unlike traditional therapies focusing on eliminating suffering, ACT emphasizes living a valued life by embracing acceptance of one’s experiences.


ACT leverages experiential methods within therapy sessions, including exercises, metaphors, language, and physical movement. These techniques aim to help individuals develop greater self-awareness and understanding of their thought patterns and self-talk regarding past trauma, physical limitations, past relationships, and other challenges they may be facing. By listening to and comprehending their self-talk, clients can consciously choose how to navigate these difficulties – whether through change or acceptance.


By cultivating this heightened self-awareness and understanding, ACT empowers individuals to gain deeper insights into their mental landscapes. This process enables them to take control over personal challenges, leading to increased fulfillment and a more overall satisfying life. Ultimately, utilizing acceptance, mindfulness, and behavior change strategies, ACT helps individuals improve their mental well-being and achieve greater psychological flexibility.



Why do people go to therapy, and how do I know if it is right for me?

People seek therapy for a variety of reasons, and understanding these motivations can help determine if therapy is the right step for you. Often, individuals come to therapy during major life transitions, such as unemployment, divorce, or starting a new job, when they find it challenging to cope with the accompanying stressors. Therapy offers support and guidance in managing these circumstances effectively.


Additionally, people may seek therapy to address a range of issues such as low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, addictions, relationship problems, spiritual conflicts, or creative blocks.


Therapy can provide a safe space for individuals to explore and address these challenges while receiving the necessary encouragement and acquiring valuable skills to navigate through them.



Moreover, therapy appeals to individuals who are ready to delve deeper into self-discovery or those who aspire to enhance their effectiveness in achieving their life goals.


If you find yourself wanting to understand yourself more intimately, gain insight into your thoughts and behaviors, or strive for personal growth, therapy can be a valuable tool to support these endeavors.



Determining if therapy is right for you involves considering your readiness to meet the challenges in your life and your willingness to make changes.


Reflect on your struggles, goals, and aspirations. Are you open to exploring your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in a supportive and non-judgmental environment? Are you ready to commit to the collaborative process of therapy, where you actively engage in introspection and work toward personal transformation? If your answers suggest a readiness and willingness to embark on this journey, therapy might indeed be a suitable choice for you.



Ultimately, the decision to seek therapy is a personal one. Trusting your instincts, recognizing your needs, and taking a step towards prioritizing your mental well-being is essential. Consulting with a mental health professional can provide further clarity, guidance, and assistance in determining if therapy is the right path for you.



What does seeking therapy say about a person?

Seeking therapy shows that a person is taking responsibility for their well-being and is committed to making positive changes in their life. It is something to be admired and a sign of self-awareness.



Is it normal to seek therapy even if I have handled challenges before?

Yes, it is normal to seek therapy even if you have successfully navigated through previous difficulties. Seeking extra support when needed is a healthy and responsible choice.



Is therapy only for people who can’t handle their problems?

Therapy is for people who have enough self-awareness to realize they need support. Seeking therapy is an admirable decision and shows responsibility in wanting to change your situation.



Can I usually handle my problems on my own?

While you may have successfully navigated through other difficulties, there is nothing wrong with realizing that you need a helping hand. Seeking therapy shows self-awareness and the willingness to change by accepting where you are in life.



Do I really need therapy?

Seeking therapy is not a sign of weakness or failure. It is a way to seek extra support when needed, even if you have successfully handled problems in the past.

Have more questions?


Call the office at 844-802-6512


Our staff will get you the answers you need to make the best decisions.