Silhouette of anxiety person head.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder 

Current estimates show that generalized anxiety disorder affects around 6.8 million people in the U.S. — or more than 3 percent of the country’s adults.  Furthermore, 75% of the time, anxiety and depression can occur together.


It is important to note that persons who suffer from anxiety don’t all have the same symptoms or issues.  In fact, research has demonstrated how brain patterns of persons suffering from anxiety are not all the same, and this is a major reason why treating anxiety cannot be the same for everyone.

Anxiety is an emotion that is characterized by feelings of tension and worried thoughts.  A person with a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) usually will display excessive anxiety or worry, most days and has done so for at least 6 months.


They will worry about a number of things such as:


  • personal health

  • work

  • social interactions

  •  and everyday routine life events and circumstances.

This fear and anxiety can cause significant problems in many areas of their life, such as work, school, and even social interactions.

How does chronic tension and anxiety affect our physical health?

Chronic tension and anxiety can have detrimental effects on our physical health. It may lead to physical symptoms such as stomach pain, indigestion, chest pain, numbness or tingling, vision changes, and sweaty palms. These symptoms can persist and contribute to negative impacts on our overall physical well-being.


What specific physical symptoms can anxiety cause?

Anxiety can cause various physical symptoms, including stomach pain, indigestion, chest pain, numbness or tingling, vision changes, and sweaty palms. These symptoms are often a result of the tension and anxiety that individuals experience.


What are the long-term consequences of carrying tension and anxiety in our bodies?

Carrying tension and anxiety in our bodies for long periods of time can have negative long-term consequences. It can lead to physical symptoms such as stomach pain, indigestion, chest pain, numbness or tingling, vision changes, and sweaty palms. These symptoms may persist and have an impact on our overall physical health.


What physical symptoms can be experienced as a result of anxiety?

As a result of anxiety, individuals may experience various physical symptoms. These can include stomach pain, indigestion, chest pain, numbness or tingling, vision changes, and sweaty palms. These symptoms are manifestations of the tension and anxiety that individuals carry in their bodies.


How does anxiety negatively affect our physical health?

Anxiety negatively affects our physical health by causing a variety of physical symptoms. These symptoms may include stomach pain, indigestion, chest pain, numbness or tingling, vision changes, and sweaty palms.


How does anxiety affect relationships?

Anxiety can have a significant impact on relationships. When individuals struggle to manage stress, they may lash out at others, causing strain and tension in their relationships. Additionally, the tendency to withdraw from social interactions can lead to feelings of isolation and distance from loved ones. Anxiety can create barriers to open communication and emotional connection within relationships.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder symptoms include:


  •  Feeling restless and on-edgeAnxiety and fatigue man unable to focus

  •  Easily fatigued

  •  Difficulty concentrating; mind going blank

  •  Being irritable

  •  Experiencing muscle tension

  • Difficulty controlling feelings of worry

  • Sleep problems, difficulty falling or staying asleep, restlessness, or unsatisfying sleep

How do I know if my anxiety is normal?


Determining whether your anxiety is within normal parameters is a very common concern. It’s important to understand that a certain level of anxiety is completely normal and even necessary in certain situations. However, when anxiety starts to have negative impacts on various aspects of your life, it may be a cause for concern.


Signs that your anxiety may not be within the normal range include if it greatly affects your ability to function in everyday life, such as at work, school, or in your relationships. For example, if you find yourself constantly worrying to the point where it interferes with your performance or causes strain in your personal connections, it might be an indication that your anxiety is becoming problematic.


Another factor to consider is the duration of your anxietyYoung woman having panic attack in kitchen symptoms. Normal anxiety tends to be temporary and situational, arising in response to specific events or circumstances. However, if your anxiety persists for an extended period, even when the triggering factor is no longer present, this could be a sign that your anxiety is not within the normal range.


Additionally, if your anxiety symptoms consistently manifest physically, impacting your overall well-being, it may be an indication that your anxiety is not normal. Symptoms such as frequent headaches, digestive issues, rapid heartbeat, difficulty sleeping, or other physical manifestations can suggest that your anxiety is crossing the line into a more problematic state.


It’s important to note that avoiding or ignoring your anxiety won’t make it disappear. If your anxiety is consistently affecting your daily life, seeking help from a professional, such as an anxiety therapist, can be beneficial. They can assist you in developing effective coping strategies for managing day-to-day stressors while also addressing the underlying causes of your anxiety. Through therapy, you can gain insights and tools to navigate your anxiety in a healthier and more constructive way.

Somatic symptom disorder

A person dealing with a somatic symptom disorder will have major emotional distress and even problems being able to function in their daily lives due to an extreme focus on physical symptoms such as pain or fatigue.


There is a tendency to expect the worst about the symptoms they have and frequently seek medical care in search of an explanation to what they are experiencing.


Individuals may experience:


  • pain -most common

  • shortness of breath

  • fatigue

  • weakness

  • constant worry

Each of these symptoms can range from mild to severe.  Excessive rumination over these symptoms and their feelings can be a cause of disability.

Panic disorder     

A person with panic disorder has recurrent and unexpected panic attacks. These panic attacks come on suddenly and reach their peak within minutes. The attacks can occur unexpectedly or can be brought on by a trigger, such as a feared object or situation.


During a panic attack, people may experience:


Man suffering for a sudden panic attack due to anxiety

  • Heart palpitations, a pounding heartbeat, or a racing heart rate

  • Sweating

  • Trembling or shaking

  •  Sensations of shortness of breath

  • Feelings of smothering or choking

  •  Feelings of impending doom

  •  Feelings of being out of control

Due to these experiences, people with panic disorder often worry about when the next attack will happen and actively try to prevent future attacks by avoiding places, situations, or behaviors they associate with panic attacks.


Worrying about panic attacks, and the effort spent trying to avoid attacks can cause significant problems in various areas of the person’s life preventing them from being able to live the life they want.

Phobia disorders

A phobia is an intense fear of or aversion to specific situations and/or objects. young woman suffering from phobia and anxietyAll of us have natural aversions to things and situations that can be harmful or perceived to be harmful.


However, a person dealing with a phobia may react to the same situation in a way that is out of proportion for the situation.


They may:


  • Have an irrational or rumination about encountering the feared object or situation

  • Take active steps to avoid the feared object or situation

  • Experience immediate, intense anxiety upon encountering the feared object or situation

  •  Only be able to endure unavoidable objects and situations with intense anxiety

Specific phobias

A person who has a specific phobia will have intense fear, feel intense anxiety about specific types of objects or situations.

Some examples of specific phobias include the fear of:


woman suffering from claustrophobia

  • Flying

  • Heights

  • leaving the home and public spaces

  • Tight and constrained places

  •  Specific animals, such as spiders, dogs, or snakes

  •  Receiving injections

  •  Blood

Social anxiety disorder

People with social anxiety disorder have a general intense fear and anxiety woman suffering from social anxietytoward, social or performance situations.


They may be concerned and worry that their actions or behaviors will be negatively evaluated by others and they will then be left feeling embarrassed.


This worry often causes people with social anxiety to avoid social situations. Social anxiety disorder can manifest in a range of situations, such as within the workplace or the school environment.

The voice of anxiety is always critical     

Even when there’s absolutely nothing wrong, I sometimes get this overwhelming sense of doom, like danger is lurking just around the corner.


In our success-driven world, there is a misconception that anxiety and depression are signs of weakness. However, nothing can be farther from the truth.  People from all walks of life have suffered from anxiety.  In fact, globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) say that almost 300 million people have an anxiety disorder.

Anxiety is mysterious. It can feel like an invisible cage that keeps you prisoner on your sofa, unable to move for fear of something that you can’t quite identify.



There is hope…there are solutions  


Research shows that 70% of people struggling with depression will improve with therapy, treatment, and/or medication. There is no need to suffer in silence.  There are viable ways to treat anxiety.

Anxiety Treatment Through the Offices of Ginny Estupinian Ph.D, ABPP     


I am experienced in treating all types of anxiety disorders, and I can help you.  Over the past decade, I have worked with people from varying backgrounds and age groups of 16 and above, both in a hospital setting and in my private practice. The clients I have worked with have been individuals who were seeking help for mild to severe anxiety.


When you work with my office, we will begin with a full evaluation to determine if you truly have an anxiety disorder.  I will work with you to make sure there is not another condition that may be causing or, at the very least, contributing to the feelings of anxiety.


These steps will allow me to understand your symptoms better and create a unique and tailor-made plan to help you feel better.  When necessary, I will work with your primary physician and share medical and non-medical treatment alternatives with you.  Rest assured that we will find the best treatment plan for your anxiety.



Here are some common questions about therapy and anxiety that clients have asked:



How can therapy support individuals in living the life they want and having thriving relationships?


Therapy can support individuals in living the life they want and having thriving relationships by helping them address the challenges posed by anxiety.


Through therapy, individuals can develop self-awareness, learn effective stress-management techniques, and improve communication and interpersonal skills. By better understanding their anxiety and how it impacts their lives, individuals can make informed choices and take proactive steps toward creating their desired life.


Dr. Ginny Estupinian can provide guidance and support throughout this journey, empowering individuals to build and maintain healthy, thriving relationships.



How can therapy address specific challenges associated with anxiety, such as compulsive behaviors and withdrawal from activities?


Therapy can address specific challenges associated with anxiety, such as compulsive behaviors and withdrawal from activities.


Dr. Ginny Estupinian can work with individuals to identify the root causes of these behaviors and develop strategies to manage and overcome them.


Through various therapeutic approaches, individuals can learn alternative ways of coping with anxiety that do not involve compulsive behaviors.


Dr. Estupinian can also help individuals gradually reintegrate into activities or hobbies they may have withdrawn from, providing support and guidance throughout the process.


How can therapy help individuals with anxiety regain control and empowerment?


Therapy can be instrumental in helping individuals with anxiety regain control and empowerment.


Through therapy, individuals can gain insights into the underlying causes of their anxiety and learn effective coping mechanisms to manage stress.


Dr. Estupinian can provide support, guidance, and tools to help individuals develop healthier thought patterns and behaviors, ultimately leading to a sense of control over their anxiety and empowering them to navigate their lives more confidently.



You are cordially invited to call my office and discover how we can help.


Call +1 (844) 802-6512



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